This light oak herringbone floor and staircase were smoked and white oiled completely to the customer’s wishes. A light floor makes your home look more spacious. This is seen as a big plus of a light floor. It gives an optical effect and makes your home appear bigger.
Smoking oak is done by inducing a reaction with the tannic acid present in the wood. This reaction causes the wood to darken in a natural way. Due to the fact that each floor section contains a different amount of tannic acid, natural color differences occur.
Next, the floor is oiled white as desired. The oil makes the floor resistant to wear and ensures that it is easy to maintain. This makes this light oak herringbone extremely suitable for a young family, for example.
100% Pure Wood Label
This herringbone floor complies with the 100% Pure Wood label! This means that, if you choose this floor, you are assured of good quality. The wood used comes from a well-managed forest. In addition, a wooden floor is a conscious choice, because producing and processing it uses significantly less energy than other flooring materials.
Are you curious about the possibilities of a light herringbone floor? Then visit one of our Cinzento dealers. They will be happy to help you!